
Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Hanger-on...

So recently, I started looking for another job, and when I scored a few interviews I had a mild panic that I had absolutely nothing to wear.  Then I realised that I still had this gem of a grey pencil skirt from Pilot, that I'd had in my wardrobe for, oh I don't know, decades!

The strange thing about this is, that I bought this skirt in a sale/charity shop (hey, it's been that long I honestly can't remember) over 10 years ago, and it never really fitted me properly - but for some reason I never thought to give it to charity, or sell it at all despite the numerous times I've "emptied out" my wardrobe and drawers!

Ten years later, the even stranger thing, is that as a size 10, this skirt (a size 14 on the label) is now only just slightly big on me, but hey ho.  Interviews are over, I have the job, and better yet I still have a perfectly wearable skirt for work now!

It must be fate!

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