
Thursday, 4 July 2013

Sugar or Sweetner

I've come across another article via @TheJeremyVine on Twitter;

In this article in the Huffington Post on Food and Diet Industry "Secrets", it states;

"One animal study found that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. When rats were given the choice between mainline cocaine right into their veins or sweetened water (in fact, they used an artificial sweetener), they found that sugar was eight times more addictive than cocaine. Even the rats already addicted to cocaine switched over to diet drinks!"

What confuses me, is that it makes the claim "Sugar is more addictive than cocaine" and then goes on to state clearly that the experiment was not conducted with Sugar, but in fact, Artificial Sweetener - something clearly branded by all its manufacturers as an alternative to Sugar!  Earlier in the same article it was advising people to drink sugary drinks as opposed to sweetened Diet drinks, so clearly there is an established difference there.

Just saying, a little bit of consistency would be nice.

I think this article contains too much information on too many different areas of this topic.  I felt, by the time I got half way through, that it lacked lost consistency and instead was just focused on bombarding you with a mass of information.


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