
Friday, 26 July 2013

Warwick Folk Festival

Well, what started innocently enough as agreeing to a few sets with my local Samba group at the WFF this weekend, has now turned into a camp-over (not the sappy hand-gesture type, although I did over-use this joke a bit last night at rehearsal).

This is great, I've had my tent for nearly 3 years and never used it, and I've decided to forgo my holiday to Devon for rather boring, "logical" reasons that I won't go in to here!

Not so great - I have nothing to wear!

No, no, no.  I mean this sincerely, all the clothes in my wardrobe are either winter-warmth, or massive, or in the case of my "new-to-me" summer dress (recent charity shop purchase) completely see-through and in need of an emergency trip to Marks & Spencers for a slip (yes, yes I know).

Pyjamas?!  In this heat, and sharing a tent with someone I've only known briefly for a few months!  My god, what do I do?

Mild panic-rant out of the way, thankfully it's only for one night so I'm sure I'll work something out.

ST x

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Hanger-on...

So recently, I started looking for another job, and when I scored a few interviews I had a mild panic that I had absolutely nothing to wear.  Then I realised that I still had this gem of a grey pencil skirt from Pilot, that I'd had in my wardrobe for, oh I don't know, decades!

The strange thing about this is, that I bought this skirt in a sale/charity shop (hey, it's been that long I honestly can't remember) over 10 years ago, and it never really fitted me properly - but for some reason I never thought to give it to charity, or sell it at all despite the numerous times I've "emptied out" my wardrobe and drawers!

Ten years later, the even stranger thing, is that as a size 10, this skirt (a size 14 on the label) is now only just slightly big on me, but hey ho.  Interviews are over, I have the job, and better yet I still have a perfectly wearable skirt for work now!

It must be fate!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Dustin Hoffman - Tootsie and Self Image

I will put it out there that I've never seen the film Tootsie, but after being pointed in the direction of the below link by This is My Body Project (who do great work on promoting positive body image) it is now firmly on my "To Watch" list.

In this interview, Hoffman speaks frankly about the need to look like a "proper" woman, not a man in drag or overtly strange, or noteworthy in any way.  He also speaks openly of his disappointment when he was shown the finished product, when he realised that he didn't look anything like what society had instilled in him as the image of a "beautiful woman" and was told there was nothing that could be done about it.

Dustin's reaction to his realisation that this feeling of disappointment, sadness, and unworthiness was something that most women tend to go through on a daily basis, is what made me want to give this man the biggest hug EVER.  I cannot put this in to words, but the link shows it all.

We are ALL beautiful, interesting, fabulous wo(men) in our own right, no matter what shell we reside in.  It's about time we, and society, started believing that.  I hope that more people (not just men!) come to the same conclusion that Dustin did, that

ALL people are created INTERESTING!

Dustin, I salute you!

ST x

Now go and tell yourself you're AWESOME!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

New (to me): Black & Pink Dress

After the Ebay purchase disaster, I really thought that lady luck was against me this week when it came to dresses; luckily I turned out to be wrong.

I decided to go for a wander around some of the local charity shops in Kenilworth this afternoon, and came across this gorgeous little gem
Initially I was reluctant to try it on, as I've been unable to find a strapless bra I feel comfortable in, however this dress turned out to fit so well that I don't actually need one!  As it was less than ten pounds I felt it would be a sin not to take it home, so I did, and teamed it with some black patent kitten heels (M&S) for the picture.

Now I'd love to find out where this dress is from, but all I have is the label at the back which holds no clue for me, so if anyone knows what make this dress is, I'd really love to know.

In the meantime, I hope it won't be too long until I find an occasion to wear this dress!

ST x

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Sugar or Sweetner

I've come across another article via @TheJeremyVine on Twitter;

In this article in the Huffington Post on Food and Diet Industry "Secrets", it states;

"One animal study found that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. When rats were given the choice between mainline cocaine right into their veins or sweetened water (in fact, they used an artificial sweetener), they found that sugar was eight times more addictive than cocaine. Even the rats already addicted to cocaine switched over to diet drinks!"

What confuses me, is that it makes the claim "Sugar is more addictive than cocaine" and then goes on to state clearly that the experiment was not conducted with Sugar, but in fact, Artificial Sweetener - something clearly branded by all its manufacturers as an alternative to Sugar!  Earlier in the same article it was advising people to drink sugary drinks as opposed to sweetened Diet drinks, so clearly there is an established difference there.

Just saying, a little bit of consistency would be nice.

I think this article contains too much information on too many different areas of this topic.  I felt, by the time I got half way through, that it lacked lost consistency and instead was just focused on bombarding you with a mass of information.


You Win Some...

Well, one out of two isn't bad I suppose!

The Karen Millen dress bought off Ebay, it would appear, was just not meant to be.  First of all, the postage was late, and I got a card stating the seller had not put the correct postage on *sigh*.  After paying the fee, and a little bit more wrangling than I thought was necessary, I finally got the seller to agree to refund the extra cost I'd incurred.  Job done.

So I pootled off home (as you do) with my new bargainous Ebay purchase, eager to try on this shiny KM dress that looked pretty nice in the ad... to find that I had, in fact, bought a tent:

Of course, I had the red-eyed blinkers on at this point, and didn't realise that my baps were in the wrong position, so after a mini rant on twitter "mumble mumble mumble Karen Millen, mumble mumble, crap, mumble mumble Tent" I went out - cos I was busy, ya know!?

On my return later, I decided to try the dress on again and see what could be done, and in the process of rearranging bappage to fit in with the miniscule boob-area (KM obviously didn't cater for someone with a slightly more ample bosom when designing this dress) I then managed to break the strap.

So unfortunately, a dress that would have been relatively well presented with a sash round the waist and a bit of bap-rearranging, has now been rellogated to the "what do I do with this" pile.

Any ideas!?


(P.S. No, I wasn't planning on wearing this with the stripy socks, though they do look pretty swish!)