
Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Dating & Dresses

Right, I have to admit to feeling a little smug at the moment, as I received a few compliments for the dress below that I happened to wear on a date last week!

Dress: Etam via E-bay, Necklace: Can't remember, Shoes: Ebay

There are several reasons for the smugness, not least that the compliments mentioned were from my date.  The dress made me feel exceptionally girly like I have NEVER felt before in my life, it cost me a WHOPPING £5.20 (inc. P&P) off Ebay (yeah, I was ripped off, right?) and although I admit to being a little nervous (I was expecting it to turn out like the Karen Millen dress disaster I ordered at the same time) it turned out to be beautiful.

The only downside I can mention to this is that the neckline of the dress is very low, and has a slight tendency to gape a little at the front showing a glimpse of bra.  Naturally this wasn't the look I was going for on the date, and unfortunately I had to make do with using a hair-grip to attach the inside of the neckline to my bra to stop it, as I had no safety pins to hand.  I think I'll be buying some in future!  Other than that, the fit was beautiful around the waistline and the skirt was beautifully floaty!

The other downside of the dress is that I kind of feel like I've set a precedent, and with another date being arranged I now have to decide what to wear for that! Somehow, jeans and a t-shirt just don't seem to cut it any more *sigh*.

ST x

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