
Saturday, 22 June 2013

Self Love and Shorts

We went out for a meal yesterday for a friend's birthday, and I finally managed to pluck up the courage to wear my new High Waisted Shorts (Next, second-hand courtesy of flea-bay).  My aim with these is to go a bit Monroe-esque, and the next stage will be some suitably retro/vintage (still not sure on the terminology!) tops.

Now, even though the weather was warm and the sun was shining, I still felt unsure as to whether I should even wear this outfit considering the amount of flesh on show - so I stuck the pic on Twitter and FB as you do (hehehe, nothing like a bit of self-validation is there!) and luckily all the responses were positive.  

However!  This particular response from a friend stunned me completely;

"I know everyone is saying congratulations on looking so thin and you look amazing now... But. When did you not look amazing?"

And you know what!?  He's SO right!  Why am I any less or any more amazing than when I was big, eh?!  The fact is, I'm not any more amazing now than I was a few years ago - I am now, and was then, all sorts of awesomeness.

My advice - tell yourself YOU ARE AWESOME as many times a day as you can.  Be positive, and be 100% convincing when you say it... it won't be long before you start to believe it!


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